Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where does my Help come from?

Originally posted October 23, 2010 on Time to be Mom.

  The other day, Psalm 121:1-2 got stuck in my head- all day! Of course, it started with hearing the song version on the radio, but the words stuck with me.  "I lift my eyes up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord- Maker of heaven and earth."

  It got me thinking: what would that help look like?  We know that he can give us peace in our distress and clarity in our chaos, but what about practical help?  When Jesus walked the earth, he offered physical help. He fed people who were hungry and healed those who were sick.  If God is the same now as he always has been, then He must still offer practical help, not just emotional.

  As I pondered, it occurred to me that he often uses his people to meet needs.  When forming the church, he designed it so that all of the people, who have different strengths and weaknesses could work together to make the church fully functional. Without the business-minded people, the budget would never be made or held to.  Without those called to study and preach, we would not learn more about God than what we can discern for ourselves.  Without the creative people, there would not be music to worship to.  The church needs all kinds of people.

  I'm wondering if He designed not just the church, but families to work this way as well.  In my family, Mike is the detailed, logical one, so he does the finances, and I'm the organizer (Funny, I know, when I'm having problems with chaos), so I schedule appointments and organize the house, etc.

  If I look beyond my home, my mom is the creative one and she actually enjoys cleaning!  I also have a working student who enjoys gardening.  Perhaps we can help each other.  I can help my mom organize her schedule and craft supplies and she can help me deep clean (after I've gotten the mess under control).  and maybe I can have my working student do her work in the garden rather than in the barn.  Together, we'll have 2 clean organized homes with beautiful gardens and my student will enjoy both her working time and the riding time she earns.

  How can you pool your resources with others to help enhance everyone's life?

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