Sunday, January 2, 2011

Getting Organized

Most of us know that being organized can save time, money and stress.  At the same time, many of us don't feel like we have the time to get organized.  If that's you, think of it this way:  How many times have you rushed out the door because it took you forever to find your keys only to realize that you had forgotten something else?  How many times have you gone to the store and bought something thinking, "I could have sworn I had one of these somewhere"?  This is not forgetfulness.  This is disorganization.

I will bet that it will take you less time to get and stay organized than it takes you to find all your misplaced items everyday.  My mom and I realized that we spend at least 10 if not 20 minutes every day looking for things when we are disorganized.  I know that the initial clean up will take longer than that, but you can do it a little at a time and then, once it's done, that 10-20 minutes is enough to keep up with it.  So the time may end up being the same but your stress level is much lower.  And that's not counting trips to the store or back to the house for missing or forgotten items.

Organization is one of those things that we all want and, if we think about it, we know how to do.  The problem is that many of us put things off until there is suddenly a massive pile of stuff to deal with and we just don't know where to start.  The key is to break everything down into bite-sized pieces.  I'm going through the same thing at the moment, so I'm right there with you.  I will be more than happy to share any helpful ideas or information I find and would love to hear any of yours.

This blog will inevitably have some duplicate posts from Time to be Mom in the Home but I will try to keep posts about organizing on this page and those with tips on cleaning, decorating, etc on the other blog.  As with my other blogs, all posts are available on Time to be Mom and I will repost those that apply to the blogs on individual topics.  Thanks for your patience while I restructure to make the information more accessible!

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